Behind It All
She never told her love,
But let concealment, like a worm i'th' bud,
Feed on her damask cheek. She pined in thought,
And with a green and yellow melancholy
She sat like Patience on a monument,
Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?
(Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, 2.4.115-120)
... that One God
... that person whom I've known for over a year but noticed only now
... that band that I hail and the one that makes me go dub-dub-dub
... that Canon EOS K2 Rebel
... those friends from back in the days
... those bitters
... those dreams
... those chinitotoys turned pinototoys
... those puppies owned by other people
... those pictures I've taken
Other Beauties
Anna Marie
Patricia Lauren
Maria Monica
Ruth Creole
Ruth Crayola
June 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
May 2007
October 2007
February 2008
...Lost in beauty
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
ice angel

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Ouch! Damn it hurts real bad! I just came home from school, after an evening class and a drinking session. But no worries, only a bottle each lady. Unfortunately, just a bottle turned everything crazy. Annama and Kaypee laughed nonstop, while I, hmm, I must say I was pretty fine - not! HAHA. I really want to have started an sms conversation with Bums or with Mr. Packs, whichever would automatically please me, anyway. But then again, I didn't have anything to tell them, so I opted to continue with my plate anyway and forget about the idea of a text message for them.
Anyway, Im nw sitting infront of this piece of junk, and I must say, my head really hurts bad, but I have to disregard this discomfort so Id be able to post an entry here and tell you what happened tonight. But errr, I can no longer prolong this. It hurts even worse.
Darn, Grandmamis. Hrr. Oh hello Teejay. Yea I still remember you, goodness.
Yey no class tomorrow. It's Wednesday, silly.
What happened to my promise of...? Ah I wasn't able to fight temptation, too bad. Nothing happened anyway.
Then again...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I can assure you that most of these are very true!
Characteristics of beings born on the month of March:
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle upfeelings. Observant and assesses others.
Now, can you imagine what I'd be like if I'd been born in some other month? **,
Then again...

Great skaters, Wilson and Dan really amused me through their grinds and other tricks/stunts. I was fascinated on what they could do with their skateboard while I took their pictures. Amazing, really. Wanna see my shots? They aren't that bad, for an amatuer photographer. Teehee. If you wanna, you can just tell me and I'll show em.
Skateboarding is amusing(any other proper adjective for this?) - minus the bloody wounds.
You can visit my multiply account to view more of these.
Then again...
Guard, answering the telephone: "Hello?... Ah yes, for a while. Please hangyourself."
Starlet in an interview: "If the odds are against me, then I will against them."
Inday Badiday asks a starlet about her mother'sburial:
Inday: Kumusta ang libing ng nanay mo?
Starlet: Successful naman po.
Army officer to cadet:
Officer: Do you know why I ask you to stand?
Cadet: No, sir.
Officer: OK, why?
Teacher to students: "Baka gusto nyong ibilad ko kayo sa coveredcourts."
Teacher: Class, I want you to watch sex scenes.
Class: What?!
Teacher: What's wrong? It's a beautiful film starringBros Welles! (Bruce Willis)
Class: Ah, Sixth Sense!
In an examination:
Student: Mam, pwedeng gumamit ng liquid paper?
Teacher: Ang kulit naman! Sinabi nang pad paperlang eh.
After the examination:
Teacher: Okay, time is up. One, two, three. Come your papers to me!
A reporter interviews a politician about the Philippine economy.
Politician: Talagang mahirap ang buhay natin ngayon pero slow by slow, we will success.
"My mother died three years ago. And now she's dead."
Heard in a fastfood chain:
Yaya: Ma'am, Mark wants a KIDNEY MEAL!
Teacher: What is your name?
Student: Dell.
Teacher: What is your old?
In a restaurant:
Waiter: Sir, how do you want your egg?
Customer: Side in, side out.
Mom interviews her daughter's suitor:
Mom: What's your course?
Suitor: Geo
Mom: Ahhh... Geo-rnalism. That's good!
Teacher to students: "Okay, form two straight circles and find your height alphabetically!
Teacher to students: "Okay class, it's time to go home. Form a line andpass out slowly."
Angry teacher to student: "I want you to bring your father and your mother, especially your parents, understood?! Bring them tomorrow infront of me, right here, right now!"
Emcee in a party: "The next song is the favorite song of my bestfriend, and neither do I!"
Posted in an establishment: "None ID, Nothing entry."
Teacher: Oy, magdala kayo ng Chip Ahoy ah.
Student: Ma'am may "s" yon...
Teacher: Ah, sorry. Chip Ahoys!
Friend 1: Am I raining outside?
Friend 2: Not yet. Sprinkle only.
Gee, not bad. :)
Then again...
Friday, August 18, 2006
I must admit that I am once again attracted to Cadavs - or should I say "BUMBUMBUM"?
Okay, I apologize to all whom I've shown drama for over a couple of months especially during days when I tried to convince myself that I am completely over him. I used to tell everyone that I no longer love like Cads, but hell, the flame has burned again. But honestly, it isn't the same as before. Why?
- Because before I never knew why I have loved that guy. I never knew what he had that made me fall head over heels for him. But now, unfortunately, I am physically attracted to him. And i hate being able to know why I like him now because it only shows that I am ONLY infatuated.
Last Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be able to have the jackpot prize of being able to converse with Cads. Lucky me. Lucky I was alone - he only talks to me when I'm alone, I swear. HAHAHA so there I was, sitting alone in the gazebo, feeling a bit irate for having to wait for Petter and Nazee, when someone came walking towards my direction. I tried to look at him though he was in the dark. I recognized his silhouette and the sound he made while dragging his shoes. I felt it was him. The feeling was right so I tried to bow my head, attempting to ignore him. Fuuny, he called my name. I looked up and found him trying to talk to me while he continued to walk past me. He asked me what I was doing there and if I were alone. I told him I'm gonna do a photoshoot and that I weren't alone, though that was a lie. Then I wonder, what if I told him I was alone? Would he keep me company? Wait. Wondering bites.
A while ago, I was given a second shot. I again had the chance to see and talk to him up close. But I won't be narrating. It's still fresh. He might discover. I might be ashamed to show my face. Wtf? Wht's the use? I think he already knows. HAHAH yea I think he's already aware of this infatuation. Many agrees. So i nod.
"... before I never cared, infatuation's never there but now it's killing me, I really hate myself ..."
Then again...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
This guy must realize that he is getting into my nerves. He must be aware that I am losing my kind patience towards him, and maybe with just a few scratches, a spark may be produced and I might just be too rude and cruel to tell my anger and disgust to his face. He has been annoying me for weeks and I am just too kind not to tell it to him directly. I honestly hate to be rude, but this guy must not push me to be one. Again, just a slight tug, slight pinch, slight whatever, and I will instantly burst into flames of disgust. If this guy is able to read this, praise him. Praise him more if he realizes he is the one I am pertaining to. Hail him if he would stop bugging me. Thank him if he would mend his ways.
To this guy: In as much as I would want to remain a kind friend to you, I cannot seem to do it, for you have crossed the line. If you would want me to treat you in a humane way, you better stop frightening me with your sudden appearances in certain places I never realized you would be at. You must stop annoying me, by GETTING THIS IN YOUR HEAD: I AM ONLY YOUR "friend". THAT"S IT. A line is drawn again. You musn't attempt to cross it again. If you do so, it's all over and it ain't gonna be nice, I assure you. You would hate yourself for it.
I've tried my best to remain a nice acquaintance to you. It's just that you really crossed the line and you've been VERY annoying and irritating. Have you not noticed my being mataray to you recently? It's not topak dude. I am doing it for you to stop sending me messages. But the funny thing is, and what REALLY irritates me, is that YOU NEVER GET IT!!!! How many times were you born?!?!
You know what, I hate myself. Why? I have become a monster - your horrific creation.
Then again...